Where to Learn Hockey Skateboarding

Hockey skateboarding is a thrilling and dynamic sport that combines the speed and agility of hockey with the tricks and stunts of skateboarding. If you’re interested in trying this unique activity, you’ll need to find a place to learn the ropes. Luckily, there are plenty of options for hockey skateboarding lessons and training facilities around the world.

What is Hockey Skateboarding?

Hockey skateboarding is a relatively new sport that has gained popularity in recent years. It involves using a specialized skateboard equipped with hockey-style wheels to perform a variety of skating, passing, and shooting maneuvers on a rink or hockey-style surface.

The sport was first developed in the 1980s as a way for hockey players to practice their skills during the off-season. Over time, it evolved into a standalone activity that combines elements of both hockey and skateboarding.

In a typical hockey skateboarding session, participants will work on skills like:

  • Skating: Gliding, stopping, and turning on the skateboard
  • Puck handling: Maneuvering a small puck across the rink
  • Passing: Accurately passing the puck to teammates
  • Shooting: Taking shots on a goal or target

Players may also incorporate tricks and stunts, such as jumps, spins, and grinds, to add flair and difficulty to their gameplay.

Where to Learn Hockey Skateboarding

If you’re interested in trying hockey skateboarding, there are several places you can go to learn the sport:

Hockey Skateboarding Camps and Clinics

One of the best ways to get started with hockey skateboarding is to attend a specialized camp or clinic. These events are typically led by experienced instructors who can teach you the basics of the sport and help you develop your skills.

Hockey Skateboarding Camp is a popular option that offers multi-day programs for players of all ages and skill levels. They have locations across North America and Europe, and their instructors are former pro hockey and skateboarding athletes.

Another great choice is Skate Pal Hockey Camps, which offers week-long sessions focused on both hockey and skateboarding skills. These camps are designed for kids and teens, and they often include fun off-ice activities as well.

Dedicated Hockey Skateboarding Facilities

In addition to camps and clinics, there are also dedicated hockey skateboarding facilities where you can go to train and practice. These venues typically feature a rink or other specialized surface designed for the sport, as well as equipment and coaching resources.

One example is Rink 36 in Toronto, Canada, which has a state-of-the-art hockey skateboarding rink and offers lessons, camps, and drop-in sessions. Another is The Rink in Denver, Colorado, which has a similar setup and also hosts hockey skateboarding tournaments and events.

If you don’t have a dedicated facility in your area, you may be able to find a skateboard park or roller rink that allows hockey skateboarding. Just be sure to check with the facility beforehand to ensure it’s permitted.

Recreational Hockey Leagues

Some recreational hockey leagues also offer hockey skateboarding as an off-season activity or alternative option. This can be a great way to try the sport if you’re already an experienced hockey player.

These leagues may host hockey skateboarding tournaments, pick-up games, or skills clinics throughout the year. They can be a fun and social way to develop your hockey skateboarding skills while connecting with other players in your community.

Online Instructional Resources

If you’re not able to access in-person hockey skateboarding lessons or facilities, there are also plenty of online resources available to help you learn the sport.

YouTube is a great place to start, with many channels offering instructional videos on hockey skateboarding basics, tricks, and drills. Some popular channels include HockeySkateboardingPro, SkatePalHockey, and RinkTricks.

There are also various online courses and tutorials that provide more comprehensive instruction on hockey skateboarding. These may include video lessons, interactive exercises, and personalized feedback from coaches.

One example is the Hockey Skateboarding Masterclass offered by SkatePal, which covers everything from equipment selection to advanced techniques.

Benefits of Learning Hockey Skateboarding

Learning hockey skateboarding can provide a variety of benefits, both physical and mental, for players of all ages and skill levels.

Physical Benefits:

  • Improved Balance and Coordination: Mastering the skateboard and puck handling requires excellent balance, agility, and coordination.
  • Increased Cardiovascular Fitness: Hockey skateboarding is an intense, high-energy activity that can improve your overall cardiovascular health.
  • Stronger Muscles: The constant movement and weight-bearing nature of the sport can help build strength in your legs, core, and upper body.

Mental Benefits:

  • Enhanced Spatial Awareness: Navigating the rink and maneuvering the puck requires sharp spatial awareness and quick decision-making.
  • Increased Focus and Concentration: Hockey skateboarding demands your full attention, helping to improve your focus and concentration skills.
  • Boosted Confidence: Mastering new skills and techniques in this unique sport can give you a sense of accomplishment and increased self-confidence.

Getting Started with Hockey Skateboarding

If you’re excited to try hockey skateboarding, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Acquire the Right Equipment: You’ll need a specialized hockey skateboard, protective gear (e.g., helmet, pads), and a stick. Make sure to choose high-quality, well-fitting equipment to ensure your safety and comfort.
  2. Find a Suitable Location: Look for a hockey rink, roller rink, or skateboard park that allows hockey skateboarding. Avoid uneven or rough surfaces, as they can be dangerous.
  3. Take Lessons or Join a Program: Consider enrolling in a hockey skateboarding camp, clinic, or league to learn from experienced instructors and train with other players.
  4. Start Slow and Practice Regularly: Don’t be discouraged if you struggle at first. Take the time to master the basics, and practice as often as you can to improve your skills.
  5. Have Fun and Stay Safe: Remember to enjoy the process and prioritize safety. Always wear the appropriate protective gear and follow the rules and guidelines of the sport.

With the right equipment, instruction, and dedication, you can become a skilled hockey skateboarding player and enjoy all the physical and mental benefits the sport has to offer.


Hockey skateboarding is a thrilling and unique sport that combines the best of both hockey and skateboarding. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a complete beginner, there are plenty of opportunities to learn and practice this dynamic activity.

From specialized camps and clinics to dedicated hockey skateboarding facilities and recreational leagues, there are various options available to help you develop your skills and connect with other players. And with the wealth of online instructional resources, you can also learn the basics of the sport from the comfort of your own home.


1. What equipment do I need to get started with hockey skateboarding?

To start playing hockey skateboarding, you’ll need a few key pieces of equipment:

  • Hockey Skateboard: This is a specialized skateboard with hockey-style wheels that allow you to maneuver on a rink or hockey surface.
  • Protective Gear: A helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards are essential for your safety while learning and playing.
  • Hockey Stick: You’ll need a regular hockey stick to handle and shoot the puck on the skating surface.
  • Puck: A small, hard rubber puck is used in hockey skateboarding, similar to the one used in ice hockey.

It’s important to invest in high-quality, well-fitting equipment to ensure your comfort and safety as you learn the sport. Many hockey skateboarding facilities and programs also offer rental gear if you’re not ready to purchase your own set.

2. Do I need prior experience in hockey or skateboarding to learn hockey skateboarding?

No, you don’t necessarily need prior experience in either hockey or skateboarding to start learning hockey skateboarding. The sport is designed to be accessible to players of all levels.

That said, having some background in one or both of these activities can certainly give you a head start. Hockey players will likely find the puck handling and shooting skills more familiar, while experienced skateboarders may pick up the balance and maneuvering techniques more quickly.

However, many successful hockey skateboarding players start the sport with little to no experience in either hockey or skateboarding. The key is to be open to learning, practice regularly, and take advantage of instructional resources and programs to develop your skills.

3. How do I find a hockey skateboarding facility near me?

Locating a dedicated hockey skateboarding facility in your area can be a bit of a challenge, as the sport is still relatively new and not as widely available as traditional sports.

Your best bet is to start by searching online for “hockey skateboarding” or “roller hockey skateboarding” followed by your city or region. This should help you find any specialized rinks, parks, or training centers in your local area.

You can also check with your local recreational department or sports organizations to see if they offer any hockey skateboarding programs or know of suitable facilities. Some ice hockey or roller hockey rinks may also allow hockey skateboarding during certain hours or on specific days.

If you don’t have access to a dedicated hockey skateboarding facility, consider looking for skateparks or roller rinks that may allow the sport. Just be sure to check with the venue beforehand to ensure it’s permitted.

4. What are the key skills I need to learn in hockey skateboarding?

The core skills you’ll need to develop in hockey skateboarding include:

  1. Skating Technique: Being able to effectively start, stop, turn, and maneuver the skateboard is fundamental to the sport.
  2. Puck Handling: Controlling and maneuvering the puck while skating is a essential hockey skateboarding skill.
  3. Passing and Shooting: Accurately passing the puck to teammates and taking shots on goal require precise coordination and technique.
  4. Stick Handling: Using the hockey stick to control the puck and execute various moves is a crucial skill.
  5. Balance and Agility: Maintaining balance and performing quick, agile movements are key to success in hockey skateboarding.

Many hockey skateboarding programs and facilities offer lessons and drills focused on developing these core skills. Consistent practice is the best way to improve and become a well-rounded player.

5. Are there any age or skill level restrictions for hockey skateboarding?

One of the great things about hockey skateboarding is that it’s a sport that can be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels.

Most hockey skateboarding programs and facilities welcome participants from young children to adults, with instruction and activities tailored to each age group. Many even offer family-friendly sessions where parents and kids can learn and play together.

In terms of skill level, hockey skateboarding is designed to be accessible to beginners as well as experienced players. While there may be some age-based or ability-based groupings at certain facilities, the sport can generally be enjoyed by anyone willing to put in the effort to learn and practice.

The key is to start at a level that’s comfortable for you and gradually work your way up as you develop your skills. With the right instruction and equipment, hockey skateboarding can be a rewarding and inclusive activity for people of all ages and backgrounds.

So why not give hockey skateboarding a try? With the right equipment, instruction, and a bit of practice, you can unlock a whole new world of athletic challenge and personal fulfillment.

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