Are Hockey Skateboards Any Good?

When it comes to extreme sports and cool ways to get around, hockey skateboards have been gaining a lot of attention lately. But are they really any good? Let’s take a closer look at these unique rides.

What Exactly Are Hockey Skateboards?

A hockey skateboard, also known as a skateboard deck with ice skates attached, is basically what it sounds like – a regular skateboard deck with ice skate blades mounted underneath instead of wheels. This allows you to ride on all kinds of surfaces like sidewalks, parking lots, basketball courts and even icy areas during winter.

The big perk is that you get the fun and techniques of skateboarding combined with the glide and speed of ice skating. Pretty cool concept, right? Many skaters see hockey skateboards as a fun way to take their skills to new terrain.

The Pros of Hockey Skateboards

There are quite a few advantages that make hockey skateboards appealing:

🛼 Versatility – With ice skate blades, you can shred on way more surfaces than a normal skateboard with wheels. Concrete, wood, dirt paths, shallow grass, and even ice are all fair game.

🛼 Unique Style – Hockey skateboards let you bring major style and flair to your ride. Pulling off skateboard tricks on ice skates? That’s pretty epic.

🛼 Speed Thrills – The lack of wheel friction means you can really build up crazy speeds, especially on smooth surfaces. Time for some fresh adrenaline!

🛼 Cross-Training – Using a hockey skateboard helps cross-train skills from other sports like skateboarding, ice skating, roller blading and more.

The Cons of Hockey Skateboards

As awesome as hockey skateboards sound, they also have some potential downsides:

🛼 Surface Limitations – While more versatile than regular skateboards, hockey skateboards still can’t be used on very rough terrain or super soft/deep surfaces like thick grass or mud.

🛼 Learning Curve – Mastering a hockey skateboard takes practice. The feel, balance and techniques are quite different from skating on wheels or ice.

🛼 Stopping/Slowing Down – Without wheels, stopping quickly or slowing down on a hockey skateboard can be really tricky until you get the hang of techniques like shuvits or power slides.

🛼 Cost – Quality hockey skateboards with good ice blades aren’t cheap. Expect to pay $100-300 or more for a decent setup.

Hockey Skateboard Brands

If you decide to give hockey skateboards a try, here are some of the most popular brand options:

  • Maxfind – This company offers hockey skateboard decks and ice blade mounts/frames to convert regular skateboards.
  • Skatecycle – In addition to hockey skateboard decks, they make electric motor kits to power the ride.
  • Frozen Skateboard – One of the earlier hockey skateboard pioneers with basic deck and blade setups.
  • SkateXS – This brand makes sleek, lightweight hockey skateboard decks with carbon fiber construction.
  • CoolYoRide – Their hockey skateboards come as complete ready-to-ride setups with the deck and blades together.

Skating Safety Reminders

No matter if you’re skating on wheels or blades, always remember proper safety gear like a helmet, pads, and wrist guards. Hockey skateboards add some extra risk since you’ll be skating on harder surfaces.

It’s also a good idea to start practicing hockey skateboarding on smoother, flat ground while you build up experience and skills. Skatepark obstacles and railings can provide an extra safety challenge until you get the hang of balancing and stopping.

Legality of Skating

One tricky aspect of hockey skateboards (and skating in general) is that riding them may not be legal everywhere in your town or city. Many areas prohibit skating on public streets, sidewalks, parking lots and other properties.

Before taking your hockey skateboard out for a spin, take some time to look up your local laws and regulations. You don’t want to get slapped with fines or have your gear confiscated by police or security guards for skating illegally.

Who Hockey Skateboards Are Best For

Based on their unique design, hockey skateboards seem to make the most sense for these types of skaters and riders:

�youngAge – Teenagers and Young Adults – The daring attitudes and appetite for extreme tricks/sports make hockey skateboards very appealing for this age group.

🏃‍♂️ Cross-Training Athletes – If you already skateboard, ice skate, rollerblade or do other board sports, a hockey skateboard can help mix up your training in a fun way.

🧑‍🦱 Experienced Skaters – Newer skaters may struggle with the balance and techniques required for hockey skateboards. Veteran skaters will have an easier transition.

🧑‍🏫 Skating Instructors/Performers – Hockey skateboards provide a fresh way for skating coaches and performers to demonstrate skills and put on a cool show.

💰 Affluent Riders – Since hockey skateboards are still niche items, their cost can make them less accessible for budget-conscious skaters.

The Verdict: Are Hockey Skateboards Good?

So are hockey skateboards actually good rides worth trying? Like many things, it depends on your perspective:

👍 If you have skating experience, don’t mind a learning curve, and want to mix up your riding game with a fresh challenge full of style – then yes, hockey skateboards can definitely be a good option to explore!

👎 However, if you’re a total skating newbie on a tight budget looking for the most user-friendly way to just cruise around – then a normal skateboard or roller blades may be a better starting point.

No matter what, always prioritize safety by gearing up properly and skating within your ability levels as you progress. Don’t let hockey skateboards’ looks deceive you – they still require serious skills!

At the end of the day, hockey skateboards are a unique piece of skating gear that provides a fresh experience for daring riders. They combine awesome speed and techniques from multiple sports into one slick package. For skaters who crave trying new boundaries, hockey skateboards are absolutely worth a look!

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